Non-standard UI and just plain annoying
If you’re gonna make an app like this which is persistent, it should behave according to Apple’s recommended HCI guidelines. This thing does not. For example, you can’t drag it off the menu bar to persist as a window on the desktop and as a menu-bar window, it supersedes all other apps open and active (a big pain in the a). The makers needed to go look at the product design of those who are more experienced at this: go look at Adobe and how they handle their little persistent in the menu bar app. Revamp accordingly. Lastly, critical top level functions like a f*ng CLOSE box are way too subtle and are in the last area of the window where users expect such controls to be. This thing was just not designed by pros - functionality is fine but as most of us know by now, functionality is made and broken by amateur, subjective, and unprofessional UI decisions.
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MailTab for Gmail - Email Client